In appreciation for the world that we live in, the yearly event that takes place would be Earth day. Every year on April 22nd, diverse communities all over the world would come to together and enjoy the education, inspiration, entertainment and the love for our earth. As we move into the future, we can only hope to see a brighter future but incidents like global warming is only disheartening.
Blog Archive
- Going out of Business Sale
- Finale
- First Step to Stepping out to the real world
- Why did you buy that?
- Gimme More!
- Tattoos: Reflective of Me or The Media?
- What can we do?
- Too Much Mom!Too Much!
- A Threadless Streetwear, Maybe?
- Fashion Recession or Idea Recession?
- American Apparel: Moving Forward
- New Tutorial ****My Graduation*** By Mariel
- New Tutorial **Little Graduate** By KJ
- EBay: An Institutionalized System
- swagger?
- For Others or For You?
- Compact Challenge and Boring Clothes
- Deep Dark Secret: Storage Units
- Hip Hop Consumerism
- Japanese Street Fashion and Influences
- Old Tires to New Shoes
- Giving New Life to Old Clothes
- My Graduation QuickPage Freebie
- Nordstrom Kids' Clothes
- New Scrap Ptu***My graduation**
- black & white
- just arrived: Danny Roberts shirt
- accessoires bought in Dublin
- that's SO not in anymore...says who?
- I'm back
- Unique
- Fly Kicks, How Much?
- Splatter Speaks for Individuality?
- Green Capitalism
- Emotional Graduation or Emotional Consumption
- Fashionable to the Fingertips
- It's a style because they [White] wear it
- A Bright Idea
- Harajuku Lovers
- Coming up shorts
- Trashy Flashy
- Biking For the Win
- Exclusive! Get them while they're hot!
- New Ptu ** Embellishments Silver Cu ok & Pu
- Reuse Fashion. Like Beer Pong.
- Islamic Fashions
- New award **You Blog Make me Smile Award**
- Canneries and Sweatshops more similar than expected
- Filmtastic Fashion
- The Compact Challenge: A New Chance at Life
- Red Monkey jeans Clothes
- Fashion Monkey's Jeans
- Un regalito de mi amiga Arwen
- Consumerism: Consumption?
- <!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false ...
- Guilty Pleasures
- Kawaii for a price
- Men's Fashion Jeans
- Fashion Jeans Gallery
- Lolita Complex and Harajuku
- Because the Power of the People Don't Stop
- Wholesale Man Style Winter Clothes
- AF man's winter clothes
- Children as Consumers
- Not Just Some Old Asian Bracelet
- just one pair of flip flops won't hurt!!
- New Scrap Freebie**Paradise Vacation **
- "You are not my daughter"
- I <3 HK
- Sweats
- Off the Walls and Onto Your Clothing
- Naturally Beautiful
- Never Stop Collecting
- One Step Off the Grid
- I Now Pronounce You, Husband and Wife
- Pilipino Culture Night
- The US economy is weak; concerning the greater eco...
- Pack Rat Syndrome
- Packing a Cold Lunch is HOT!! How to pack a waste-...
- Just a Thought
- Its Not All Glitz and Glamour
- Vans at Aldo?
- Green Grown and Sexy
- Repurposing in an urban setting
- Be Kleen
- Ireland
- Fast Fashion
- Consume now or save for later? Your Decision. My...
- Kawaii Food
- Cute Consumption
- My Mom and Imitation!
- <!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 f...
- New Quick Page freebie **World Pirate**
- <!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false ...
- Vancouver Fashion Week 2008
- Vancouver Fashion Model
- OMG--your handwriting is so CUTE!!!
- Undone Clothing
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